SAETA feat. Tinkara Kovač – Sotočja / Confluences

edited and produced by SAETA, 2011
CD with a live performace on the festival Sajeta, Tolmin, Slovenia in 2007, when SAETA celebrated its 30th year. On this occasion a singer  and flute player Tinkara Kovač joined the band. About music and concert – Boris Bradač.

sotocja 1


Miloš Bašin – percussion, traditional instruments
Aleš Gasparič – flutes, ocarina, pipes
Lado Jakša – wind instruments, keyboards
Boštjan Perovšek – computer, soundscapes
Jože Slak – tabla, percussion
feat. Tinkara Kovač – flute, voice
Recorded in festival Sajeta, Tolmin, Slovenia, 2. august 2007, 42:42


When seasoned musicians – or better, explorers of sound or creators of soundscapes – join forces with a well-known flutist from the world of pop, this can conjure up all sorts of ideas. But the only thing that matters is what can be heard.

And what can be heard? Nothing. Why nothing? Because the sounds produced by SAETA are so natural, so very much a part of us, we barely perceive them. They are inscribed in our genome to the point of seeming self-evident. Only in certain moments – especially during a live performance – we realize there are people behind these noises. People who know how to listen and who have translated into our everyday lives the sounds we have already forgotten.

After years of making soundscapes, SAETA feels that the time has come to let a person who uses her voice as her principal instrument into their midst. This person is Tinkara Kovač. Bringing her flute along, she came to the little copse above the confluence of the Tolminka and the Soča Rivers. And just as the two rivers flow together there, the two poles joined: the female and the male, the old and the new, experiment and pop. Improvised music is the exclusive domain of live performances. Like river water irrevocably flowing away, music is unrepeatable. What remains is the document you have before you.

Boris Bradač